The coast of Maine is a treasure throughout the year but our particular island, and perfect southern exposure, provides some of the best of our coastline and expands our season dramatically. Anyone interested in busy fishing harbors and their off lying islands will be at home here. Sprucy is strategically located, at the gateway to the hundreds of islands of the Muscle Ridge Channel and the Penobscot Bay.
It is a perfect location for explorers, hikers, boaters, kayakers, sailors or armchair captains. If you ever tire of the harbors, inlets, bays, beaches and islands, we are always within 10 miles or so of, Tenants Harbor, Port Clyde, Owls Head, Rockland, Thomaston, Rockport and Camden, to name a few of our closest neighbors.
And, to try and satisfy all those who aren't happy unless they are simply swimming in technology, we reluctantly succumbed to connectivity and got a fancy new high speed DSL internet connection (wired and wireless) and a satellite dish receiver that includes 9 HBO channels for the 27" TV and DVD player found in the living room.
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